Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft

Institute of Cognitive Science

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KI Macht ZUKUNFT? Eine interaktive Podiumsdiskussion

Welche Geschichten ranken sich um Künstliche Intelligenz und wie beeinflussen sie unsere Vorstellungen von der Zukunft? Wer erzählt diese wirkungsmächtige Zukunftsnarrative? Welche Stimmen und erlebten Erfahrungen werden ausgeblendet? Welche Gegennarrative können artikuliert werden, die eine Mehrstimmigkeit zulassen? Und schließlich: Wie können Kunst und Wissenschaft dazu beitragen, die sozialen, politischen und ethischen Herausforderungen im Umgang mit KI aufzuzeigen?

Diese und weitere Fragen wollen wir gemeinsam mit Anna Jehle, Juliane Schickedanz, Ulrich Mokrusch, Prof. Rainer Mühlhoff und Euch am 11. Juni 2024, um 18:30 Uhr im Studierendenzentrum der Universität Osnabrück diskutieren. Nach einem kurzen Impulsvortrag wird es in einem interaktiven Teil Gelegenheit für den gemeinsamen Austausch zu Euren  Vorstellungen und wünschenswerten KI-Zukünfte geben.

Neuer Artikel im AI & Society Journal: "Chatbots, Search Engines, and the Sealing of Knowledges"

Abstract: In 2023, online search engine provider Microsoft integrated a language model that provides direct answers to search queries into its search engine Bing. Shortly afterwards, Google also introduced a similar feature to its search engine with the launch of Google Gemini. This introduction of direct answers to search queries signals an important and significant change in online search. This article explores the implications of this new search paradigm.
Drawing on Donna Haraway’s theory of Situated Knowledges and Rainer Mühlhoff’s concept of Sealed Surfaces, I introduce the term Sealed Knowledges to draw attention to the increasingly difficult access to the plurality of potential answers to search queries through the output of a singular, authoritative, and plausible text paragraph. I argue that the integration of language models for the provision of direct answers into search engines is based on a de-situated and disembodied understanding of knowledge and affects the subjectivities of its users. At the same time, the sealing of knowledges can lead to an increasing spread of misinformation and may make marginalized knowledge increasingly difficult to find. The paper concludes with an outlook on how to resist the increasing sealing of knowledges in online search.

Purpose Limitation for AI Models

We are excited to announce the publication of our paper, “Regulating AI with Purpose Limitation for Models” by Rainer Mühlhoff and Hannah Ruschemeier, featured in the opening issue of the new journal “AI Law and Regulation”. In this groundbreaking study, we introduce the concept of applying purpose limitation to AI models as a novel approach to mitigate the unregulated secondary use of AI, addressing risks such as discrimination and infringement of fundamental rights.

Our interdisciplinary research highlights the increasing informational power asymmetry between data companies and society, suggesting that current regulations, focused mainly on data protection, fall short in curbing the misuse of trained models. By shifting the focus from training data to trained models, we advocate for a regulatory framework that emphasizes democratic control over AI’s predictive and generative capabilities, ensuring they are used in ways that are beneficial to society without undermining individual or collective rights.

This paper is a call to action for lawmakers, technologists, and the public to rethink how we regulate AI, aiming for a future where AI serves the public good while respecting privacy and equity. Dive into our full analysis and join the conversation on how we can achieve a more equitable and controlled use of AI technologies.

An earlier version of the paper was presented at the EAI CAIP – AI for People conference on November 24, 2023, in Bologna.

Feb 19, 2024
Predictive Analytics and Collective Data Protection

We’re excited to announce the final publication of our paper, “Predictive Analytics and the Collective Dimensions of Data Protection”, by Rainer Mühlhoff and Hannah Ruschemeier. Our interdisciplinary research blends legal studies, ethics, and technical insights to unravel the social implications of predictive analytics. Challenging the conventional, individualistic approach, we propose ‘predictive privacy,’ advocating for regulations that reflect the collective impact of data use. Dive into our exploration of societal risks and the imperative for new legal frameworks in the digital age.




NDR Kultur – Das Journal
über meine Arbeit

Unter dem Titel "Was sind die Risiken von KI?" hat NDR Kultur - Das Journal einen Bericht über meine aktuelle Arbeit gemacht. Vielen Dank an Lennart Herberhold.


Weitere interessante Artikel:

28.12.2023 - Chaos Communication Congress Hamburg - Video KI – Macht – Ungleichheit

17.10.2023 - Public Philosophy journal - An Agenda For Change

17.04.2023 - Big Data & Society (open access) - “Predictive Privacy: Collective Data Protection in the Context of AI and Big Data”

22.03.2023 - “Social Media Advertising for Clinical Studies: Ethical and Data Protection Implications of Online Targeting” (mit Theresa Willem)

12.10.2022 - Prädiktive Privatheit: Kollektiver Datenschutz im Kontext von Big Data und KI

08.09.2022 - Deutschlandfunk Nova – Sendung Hörsaal

29.08.2022 - Live bei WDR5 – Das Philosophische Radio