Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft

Institute of Cognitive Science

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Research assistants

Zeynep Bolluk: lab coordination

Elisa Percolla: lab coordination

Maria Stella Villa Avila: web-based studies and eyetracking

Berit Reise: web-based studies and eyetracking

Ilva Hovemann: multi-agent modeling

Felix Japtol: multi-agent modeling

Daria Ilyuchik: EEG experiments

Regilla Bastian: tutor

Sila Selvi Capar: tutor


Master's thesis

Vanessa Verdugo: Modeling gradability and vagueness

Charlotte Uhlemann: Linguistic co-occurence and context in the use and comprehensions of referring expressions

Rahim Foroughisae and Aminul Hoque: Conceptual metaphors in the context of climate change

Sila Sevi Capar, Zeynep Bolluk and Buse Tas: Gender effects in politeness


Bachelor's thesis

Eosandra Grund: Comparison of effort minimization pressures for achieving Zipf‘s Law of Abbreviation in emergent communication<google-sheets-html-origin></google-sheets-html-origin>

Ilva Hoffmann: Eye-tracking in the concept-level reference game

Chiara Bonventre: Acquisition of positive and negative adjectives

Alice Schirmeister: Scalar implicature in children with disability 

Fabia Klausing: Loopholes and gender

Vivienne Kurth: Social hierarchies in bonobos and chimpanzees

Judith Kohler: ChatGPT and human interaction

Vivienne Kurth: Informativity principle in primates

Rahel Bracht: Language-dependent recall in bilinguals - an evaluation of the Revised Hierarchical Model and Dual Coding Theory



Gregorio Max Gambato: Experiments on loopholes

Hind Shalfeh: Political speech

Sebastian Beyrodt: Interactive referential games

Sila Selvi Capar: Experiments on politeness and gender

Tas Buse: Experiments on politeness and gender

Zeynep Bolluk: Experiments on politeness and gender

Gaia Gragnolati, Melisa Altinyelek and Maria Luiza Volynets: Emojis and irony