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Teaching by the Ethics of AI group

This is the teaching program of the *Ethics and Critical Theories of Artificial Intelligence* research group at the Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück.

© Simone Reukauf


We offer seminars and lectures on a broad range of topics, focusing on critical studies of AI and the digital society. Our teaching provides theoretical foundations as well as diverse perspectives touching upon issues such as the power structures within the digital, systems of discrimination, and the socio-economic contexts of AI.

Lecture: Introduction to the Ethics of AI

The lecture *Introduction to the Ethics of AI* is repeated every winter term and is open to the public. The lecture is available in three formats: On site, live video and video recordings. Recordings 2022/2023

Our courses are generally held in English and mostly in hybrid formats (combining online/offline), so that they are also accessible to external participants. If you want to join, please write us a mail.

Summer Term 2024 (April 1 - July 1, 2024)

The update is being prepared and will be available soon.
Details of the current lectures can also be found at Rainer's website.

© Simone Reukauf

Supervision of Bachelor/Master theses

Are you interested to write your bachelor or master thesis in the research group Ethics and Critical Theories of Artificial Intelligence at the Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück?

Are we the right advisors for your thesis?

We accept highly motivated students for supervision of their bachelor's or master's theses in the area of ethics of artificial intelligence and critical social theory of the digital society (see also thesis supervison). We consider "ethics" and "critical social theory" in the broadest sense to include the following philosophical approaches:

  • Ethics
  • Social Philosophy
  • Political Philosophy
  • Post-Structuralism
  • Feminist Philosophies
  • Post-Colonial Theories
  • Critical Race Theories
  • Critical Economics
  • Marxist Theories
  • Digital Capitalism
  • Post-Marxist Theories
  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Critical Theory
  • in certain circumstances affect studies or philosophy of emotions
  • you name it

First supervision of bachelor/master theses in our group generally requires that you have attended the "Introduction to the Ethics of AI" lecture and at least 1-2 seminars from the Ethics and Critical Theories of AI research group (see teaching program).

Standard procedure for writing your bachelor/master thesis in our group

For a bachelor or master thesis, you need a first and a second supervisor. Please choose your potential first supervisor according to their research expertise. You can schedule an appointment with Rainer Mühlhoff using the booking tool on the consultation hours page. To contact Paul Schütze, please send an email to, to contact Nora Freya Lindemann, please send an email to If you do not have a clear idea who could be your second supervisor, this can be debated with your first supervisor.

If one of us is your first supervisor, we can usually offer you 3-4 supervision meetings during the process of writing your thesis. Proving that you can work largely independently (with some supervision) is an intended part of the examination process of your final thesis. Please have a look at our guideline thesis writing for the standard procedure.