Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft

Institute of Cognitive Science

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Institute of Cognitive Science

Institute of Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University

Welcome to the website of the Institute of Cognitive Science at the Osnabrück University! Our research activities cover a wide range of cognitive science disciplines. Our study programs include international Bachelor and Master programs, which teach basics from the entire spectrum of cognitive science and emphasize interdisciplinary thinking and work.

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Student Journal Release Party

We all had a lot of fun at the Cognitive Science Student Journal release party last week, and we were happy to see so many Coxis come show their support for the journal!
We started with a presentation about what we do at the journal, and each group talked about their experiences and achievements from this semester. It was really nice to see just how much we all had accomplished during our time with the journal.
We’ve released a few publications this semester covering a wide range of topics, from the neuroscience of Parkinson’s disease to how to hack your own dreams, and we’ve got lots more interesting stuff coming through the pipeline soon. Thank you to everyone who joined us and continues to support our efforts!

Theory and Practice: Cognitive Science in the Anthropocene

On 1 July 2024, Cognitive Science students carried out a cleaning campaign at the Westerberg Campus on the initiative of Samara Budde, Maxin Breede, Franca Klausing and Sean Quägwer. It was a practical conclusion to the seminar "Cognitive Science in the Anthropocene" by Annette Hohenberger. In this seminar, the "Anthropocene" (the "age of man") was discussed in its various aspects – including the climate and biodiversity crisis, tipping points, planetary boundaries and common goods, sustainable development, transformative change and intergenerational justice. Each week, students also carried out their own projects that were close to their hearts in applied, alternative formats. At the end, there was this clean-up activity, where we actively changed the local environment for the better – and had a lot of fun, as you can see in the picture gallery! This campaign could serve as an impetus to establish regular clean-up campaigns in the future in order to sustainably improve the condition of the campus and raise awareness of our own impact on the environment. Keep an eye out on the IKW website where we will be announcing future clean-up events.

For Prospective Students:

Bachelor Cognitive Science

This program is designed for you to explore the different fields within Cognitive Science, all while building a solid foundation in the core areas of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Modelling, Computational Linguistics, Neurobiology, Neuroinformatics, Neuroscience, Philosophy of Mind. 

Master Cognitive Science

This Master Program allows you to refine your knowledge in Cognitive Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics and Computational Linguistics, Neuroinformatics and Robotics, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind and Cognition. You will build on your research skills through lab rotations, a year-long study project, and your master's thesis.

Master Cognitive Computing

The Cognitive Computing Program specializes in studying computational models of cognitive abilities. This course addresses working professionals who will continue to work in parallel to their studies. Graduates of this program are able to use their acquired skills for the development of innovative intelligent systems and services. 

Cognitive Science Student Journal

The Cognitive Science Student Journal publishes student works from all disciplines of Cognitive Science. In the Kaleidoscience Podcast students get a chance to talk about their own ideas and projects.